
GAFSU Newsletter Issue 5 Call for Contributions



GAFSU Newsletter Issue 5

Call for Contributions

Dear GAFSU members,

The Global Alliance of Foreign Studies Universities (GAFSU) is the first alliance of its kind formed by higher education institutions worldwide with strengths in the teaching and research of foreign languages as well as area studies. Since the inauguration of GAFSU, 37 institutions from 19 countries have joined us and become GAFSU members. Through mutual trust and joint efforts, we aim to develop GAFSU into a world-class collaboration platform for foreign language teaching and research, area studies, as well as people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

According to the working mechanism under the GAFSU Charter, the GAFSU Secretariat in conjunction with BFSU’s Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP), successfully launched in March 2020 the first issue of the GAFSU Newsletter. It is encouraging to see that the GAFSU Newsletter is actively responded to and well received by our GAFSU members and beyond.

As the GAFSU Newsletter continues to evolve, we would like to introduce new columns in future issues and now the Call for Contributions to Issue 5 is open!

Layout of GAFSU Newsletter Issue 5






Presidents’ Forum

University leaders’ perspectives on universities’ development and reform, education philosophy, mission and vision, etc.

1,500 words per article, 1-2 high definition pictures per article


GAFSU Overview

Latest GAFSU events and its prospects, etc.


GAFSU Highlights

News coverage of GAFSU members’ successful cases about institutional developments, innovative approaches to education and talent cultivation, international languages and cross-cultural communication, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, etc.

500-800 words per article1-2 high definition pictures per article


GAFSU Experience

Special reports on GAFSU members’ best practices in talent cultivation, teaching and research, international exchange and cooperation, community services, technological advance (e.g. smart education), etc.

2,0003,000 words per article, 1-2 high definition pictures per article


GAFSU Publications

- Promoting and recommending university publications;

- Introducing international publication collaborations among GAFSU members and their university presses, e.g. joint research publication, multilingual publication, copyright cooperation, etc.

300500 words per article,1-2 high definition pictures per article


Views of Students

Students’ perspectives on the latest development of GAFSU and their feelings about it.

300500 words per article, 1-2 high definition pictures per article


Deadline for submitting contributions

May 31st, 2023

Release of GAFSU Newsletter Issue 5

June 30th, 2023

How to Contribute?

We’re seeking contributions to be featured in the GAFSU Newsletter:

-       Please submit contributions according to columns and their descriptions in the table above;

-       Please send emails to gafsu@bfsu.edu.cn with the following subject format:

[Name of the institution] + [Name of the contact]

or [Name of the institution] + Newsletter Issue 5 Contributions

-       Language: English

As always, we are grateful to all GAFSU members for your long-term support. We are looking forward to your submissions to the forthcoming GAFSU Newsletter Issue 5 to share your expertise.


The GAFSU Secretariat

March 17th, 2022

Global Alliance of Foreign Studies Universities (GAFSU)

Address: No. 2 North Xisanhuan Road,

Haidian District, Beijing 100089 China

Email: gafsu@bfsu.edu.cn

Tel: +86 010 8881 6715

Fax: +86 010 8881 0276

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