Cultural Activity Series of BFSU International Faculty (No. 68)

International Schooling
Adam Poole/亚当·普尔
Nov. 7th, 2022 (Mon.), 19:00-21:00
Tencent Meeting/腾讯会议号:
Looking forward to your participation!
International schools have been defined as privately-operated schools that have chosen to deliver a curriculum wholly or partly in English to some or all its students between 3 and 18, in a country where English is not an official language. In recent years, the nature and scope of international schooling has changed considerably, leading to the proliferation of schools that claim to be international, but which may be international in name only. This lecture will introduce BFSU faculty to the different types of international school and will seek to answer the question: what is international about international schools? The lecture will also cover key debates, such as tensions between the utopian aims of international schools (to make the world a "better" place), their often-elitist outcomes (reproducing inequality on a global scale) and the emergence of international schools in China.
Adam Poole is a faculty member of the Graduate School of Education at Beijing Foreign Studies Universtiy (BFSU). Prior to joining BFSU, he taught in international schools in Shanghai. Adam undertook his doctorate with the University of Nottingham. His research interests include international schooling, professional development and English language teaching, and social justice methodologies. Adam has published his research in international journals such as Educational Review, Discourse, Compare and Journal of Professional Development.
亚当·普尔博士,北京外国语大学国际教育学院讲师,曾就职于上海国际学校。研究方向:国际学校教育、专业发展和英语语言教学、社会正义方法论等。亚当博士在《Educational Review》《Discourse》《Compare 》《Journal of Professional Development 》等国际期刊上发表了多篇研究文章。